Wandering Harar

(Posted very late… apologies. I will catch my blog up shortly!) At the end of September I took the opportunity to explore a bit of Ethiopia before my mid-service conference. We bused from Addis to Harar – a 10 hour trip that provided endless picturesque scenes of markets, shops, wiki-up style houses, desert, rivers, mountains,…


I’m a very serious person most of the time. I’ve been told on more than one occasion that I’m too serious.   But ya know, I like and appreciate a good gut busting laugh session too. Only problem is that sometimes it has been hard to find things to laugh about here. In no particular order:…

Jon’s Visit

My good friend, Jon, came to Ethiopia for a visit! Jon and I have known each other for about 4 years; we met on the river. He decided to pay me a visit; well, it was more than a visit. He was here for 45 days! (We found out while he was here that 45…

A Toast for my Papa Phil

This past week my Papa Phil (my grandfather) passed away.  I received a phone call in the middle of the night to tell me the sad news.  After the phone call, I spent the entire night thinking of ways to make it home to be there for his funeral, to be there for my family. …

Tafash!?! Finally Home

After 45 days in a hotel due to housing issues and trainings, I was finally able to return home  to Tikil Dingay on January 24th.  I had been in the hotel since December 10th.  Now, I’m not normally one to complain about a hot shower, nice bed, WIFI, and cable, but I really missed my…

HOLLA (6 months to the) DAY!

Today marks the 6th month, half-year anniversary of my time in country.  If I sit and think about the 21 months I have left, the time remaining out of my 27 month commitment before I complete my service, a  range of emotions run through my mind/body in about 2 seconds flat.  Excited? Hell yeah. Scared?…

Ethiopian English Literacy Soldiers

I positioned myself outside of the classroom, just out of view of the ongoing class, yet still in the shade. The mid day sun was hot. One by one they came out to me.  Some looked at their feet as they approached, some skipped with a giddy smile, and others sauntered up coolly, confidently.  I…